N-Ethylpentedrone (also known as α-ethylaminopentiophenone, α-EAPP, α-ethylaminovalerophenone, N-ethylnorpentedrone, and NEP) is a chemical compound from the class of substituted cathinones. Since mid-2010, NEP has been sold on the Internet as a designer drug. It is an N-ethyl analogue of pentedrone. This product is intended for forensic and research applications.Not for human and animal consumption
Name: 2-(Ethylamino)-1-phenylpentan-1-one hydrochloride
CAS: 18268-16-1
Molecular Formula: C13H19NO • HCl
Formula weight: 241.8
Purity: ≥ 99%
Formulation: Crystalline solid
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